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Everything you need to legally protect your business without spending thousands of dollars on expensive lawyers. What you'll get when you sign up:
Set up your LLC in a single afternoon using our step-by-step instructions
Make sure your contracts are rock solid
Avoid the common legal mistakes people make when starting their businesses
How to know if you trade name is available and how to protect your trademarks
Hours of coaching call replays to get answers to all of the most common questions
In addition, when you sign up you will also receive:
- $3,000 worth of Legal templates that will guide you through setting up your business entity, protecting your online properties and web presence, and securing your company as you serve clients, sell your courses, and work with contractors
- Access to The LOCK it Down™ (legal) Student Center*
- Monthly Legal Coaching Calls* to get answers to all of your questions about how to keep your business legally protected!
- Coaching call replays – 15+ hours of recording from Q&A sessions with previous students
- Bonus: PDF – Legal Audit Scorecard
- Bonus: Video training – How to Keep Your Website Safe from Scammers and Copycats
- Bonus: Video training – 10 Avoidable Mistakes that Online Entrepreneurs Make
- Bonus: How to Earn Your First $1k Online Mini-Course
- Bonus: 12 Part Mindset Training Course
Note that by signing up for this course, you are not hiring us as your lawyer. This is a DIY program and you alone are responsible for whatever actions you do (or do NOT) take with regards to the legal aspects of your business.
If you have any questions or problems signing up, please contact [email protected].
*Items marked with an asterisk are only available to our monthly membership students. Simply check the box to request a 30 day free trial. If you would like to continue, do nothing and your membership will continue for $49/month. This is a special one-time offer that is only available in connection with the purchase of your (legal) Toolkit. The normal price is $99/month.