What to do when things get tough...

mindset Nov 16, 2021
Don't Feel Like it

Sometimes when I sit down to write these blog posts, I look at a blank screen and don't know where to start.

Did something strange happen to me yesterday that I can talk about?


Was there something noteworthy in the news?


What about my favorite sports team, the Browns?

I'd rather not discuss their weekend.

So that leaves me with... well, nothing.

But here is what happens when I don't know what to write about.

I sit down and start to write anyway.

(Kind of like I did this morning).

And that is the difference between success and saying "someday maybe".

The most successful entrepreneurs sit down and start writing.

The simple act of STARTING is what makes all the difference.

Because once you start, it is a lot easier to keep going.

All successful entrepreneurs have one thing in common. They do the work consistently, even when they don't want to or when they aren't sure what to do next.

It doesn't matter. They take action.

And a lot of that "action" may be imperfect.

You need to understand this going in or you will likely get frustrated and quit...

You will make some mistakes along the way.

You will offend someone.

You will fail.

You will head down the wrong path and have to reverse course.

But the more mistakes you make, the more you will learn. And through that learning, you will change and start to have some successes.

It might be that you get your first email subscribers.

Or you have your first "viral" video.

Or somebody buys your product online.

But you won't know until you get started.

And once you start, it is a lot easier to keep going.

What are you going to start this week?

Comment below and let me know.

Let's do this...

Founder of OBFoundations.com

P.S. Don't forget that our "Black Friday" Sale for the OB Foundations Community starts next Monday!

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